SMBI Listeners Inc. AGM 2021-22

The SMBI Listeners Inc. AGM was held recently, welcoming new members to the board. All board members (as well as employees) are SMBI locals, bringing with them different perspectives and expertise, as well as lived island experience.

This experience is key to the SMBI Listeners’ work supporting place-based community development. This kind of approach recognises the unique strengths and needs of a specific location and prioritises local knowledge to find local solutions to some of the issues facing the people living there. There is more information about place-based approaches here and here.

Some of the local solutions the SMBI Listeners are currently working on are:

  • Spaces where parents and their babies can meet with child health nurses and midwives
  • Community-led parent groups that invite specialists to speak at their meetings, supporting families to get the skills and knowledge they want about their children’s development
Big school’ events attended by mainland allied health service providers, helping families understand when and how to access support for their children